Thursday 3 February 2011

Homework on sapphire

What was happening in Britain between 1948 and 1962
The British Nationality Act 1948 established the status of Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC), the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and those places that were still British colonies on 1 January 1949, when the 1948 Act came into force. However, until the early 1960s there was little difference, if any, in United Kingdom law between the rights of CUKCs and other British subjects, all of whom had the right at any time to enter and live in the United Kingdom.

Between 1962 and 1971, as a result of fears about increasing immigration by Commonwealth citizens from Asia and Africa, the United Kingdom gradually tightened controls on immigration by British subjects from other parts of the Commonwealth. The Immigration Act 1971 introduced the concept of patriality, by which only British subjects with sufficiently strong links to the British Islands (i.e. the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) had right of abode, the right to live and work in the United Kingdom and Islands.

1948 was only three years after the war, during the war many people from foreign country's came here for work as they were called upon to help as many British men had to fight for their country after the war however they stayed which angered many British people and sparked much racism between British people and people from countries such as Jamaica, the west indies and India.

How was the social Landscape changing
The social landscape in Britain had changed massively the Major way it had changed is down to the fact there were a lot more ethnic minorities coming to Britain which had big reprocutuions on Britain as it turned into a very bigoted country that did not welcome its new arrivals and see them as part of a new workforce but chose to single many ethnicity's out we see this in the films pressure and sapphire, in Pressure Anthony struggles to get a job even know he is incredibly intelligent and born in Britain and in sapphire the women pretends she is white for a better life style.

How did the change in landscape lead to a racialisation of British politics
One way the change in landscape lead to a racialisation of British politics one way the laws were more racialised was theThe British Nationality Act 1948 established the status of Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC), the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and those places that were still British colonies on 1 January 1949, when the 1948 Act came into force. However, until the early 1960s there was little difference, if any, in United Kingdom law between the rights of CUKCs and other British subjects, all of whom had the right at any time to enter and live in the United Kingdom. Also Between 1962 and 1971, as a result of fears about increasing immigration by Commonwealth citizens from Asia and Africa, the United Kingdom gradually tightened controls on immigration by British subjects from other parts of the Commonwealth. The Immigration Act 1971 introduced the concept of patriality, by which only British subjects with sufficiently strong links to the British Islands (i.e. the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) had right of abode, the right to live and work in the United Kingdom and Islands.

Representation works through construction how were black people represented in the film.
One way black people were treated in Sapphire was as social lowers to white people in the way that if we look at the black man Johnny he keeps saying "yes boss" to the police officers as if because they are white they are seen as racially better, another way is how the less senior police officer changed when he realised sapphire was mixed race he even goes as far as to say "you can spot them a mile off" however when originally investigating the case he was fine about sapphire and made no remarks about her also when sapphire's brother was black the shock that hit the police officers was humorous as it made him look like an alien or some sort of weird thing that they had never seen before.

Considering your research and film analysis-How does the film put across a sense of collective identity of black British people.
The films white characters are represented In the film as social lowers as even know they have better jobs and education they are to stupid to see through their racist ideas and values and assume all black people are not as mentally abled as them and that they are all the same you can tell this when one of the police officers Say's "you can spot one a mile off cant you" however this is not true. They also have this idea they are dirty and all criminals however most black people were only in Britain to seek a better lifestyle from their war torn countrys that Britain had destroyed during the war.