Sunday 28 March 2010

How has technology changed in the media over the last thirty

30 years ago cinematography and special effects were very different for one special effects 30 years ago were not CGI bases they were whatever the props team could put together to make look as realistic as possible for instance Godzilla or an alien would be a costume also explosions were not as big as today they were a lot smaller and more expensive as explosives were more limited and not as big and bold and believable as today. Also cinematography involved 35mm and 75mm cameras which are very expensive to use as the reel they use can cost up to 2000-3000 pounds. However even know are considered to be outdated are actually still used in some film productions.

These technologies have been revolutionised by digital technologies for instance. CGI has been revolutionised by newer computers designers for film can generate an entire fleet of ships for star wars that look so realistic you cant tell its not real or an entire world and people on it (James Cameron’s Avatar) it amazes us how far CGI has come for instance if a remake of jaws was to be made Bruce the model shark would be replaced by a computer generated beast that we could actually believe would kill. But it’s not all CGI as time has past everything has had technological advances for example explosives are bigger and better and look so realistic now a car exploding in a film actually looks and feel realistic as you watch as things like C4 plastic explosives and napalm have been made making it easier to make an explosion more realistic. Cinematography have come on leaps and bounds as digital cameras have been made allow arguments over the quality of the picture is not as good as 35mm newer cameras are being made in ultra HD however it is not just about the quality it is much easier now to send a film through any digital devise such as memory stick or satellite making it cheaper for distributors to send to Exhibitors so technology have made quality better for cinematography it easier to send or be received and cheaper.

The life of a film